Friday, January 25, 2008

Snaps of the Sisters

A dear neighbor / friend of ours hit Vegas over the weekend. Apparently there is a place there called "M&M World." (Did I need to know that?) She brought the girls each an M&M straw. The girls were WAY excited.
Here are a few shots of the sisters. Maddie had applied (liberally) some blue lipgloss. She LOVES anything girlie like that.
Today my sister (who has taught kindergarten for 18 years) came today and we visited some pre-schools. I am considering putting Emily in a different program next year. I am just looking for something more creative and less structured / worksheet - y. (She is only 4, afterall!) She helped me evaluate a few - AND (call me crazy) we went to visit the Kindergarten (public) that Emily will attend in a year and a half. I learned that her teacher will make ALL the difference. It was a busy, but fun morning. I napped this afternoon, then Aunt Jill babysat so we could go out on a date. We did the exciting stuff all free parents do: shopped for bunkbeds, went to Marshall's, and out to eat! :) It was a nice break from routine!
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Becky Slagle said...

Faith has those very same piggie bank jammies (they are my favorite!) and she had the pink heart ones last year as well. What good taste! :)

Gramps said...

Can't beleive how much Passion looks like her daddy, especially with that silly grin. Love those two girls. they are so special!

Mike and Sarah said...

I'm glad it worked out for Jill to come so you guys could check schools out. I think it's great that you're being so proactive about your kids education!