Tuesday, August 28, 2007

School and an itty bitty baby!

Today started out interesting: Brian worked overtime last night on "d.u.i. project." - which means the department got a grant to allow officers to work overtime looking for drunk drivers. He planned to work from 8pm until 1 am . . . climbed into bed at 5:30am. Yikes. I kept waking up, checking the clock, knowing what probably happened! (You get used to this) Anyway, at 5:30am I got the run down on his belligerent drunk he pulled over at midnight. (The whole ordeal took until 5:30am.) To put it briefly, she was throwing pills out the back window as he was following her with lights on . . . not pulling over. This makes it a felony stop - gun drawn. . . then he got to listen to her complain about how incompetent cops are the whole drive to the P.D. (for breath test - which she refused) then to the hospital (for a blood draw to check for drugs) then all the way to the jail. . . PLUS - she was complaining that she couldn't walk because of her sciatic - so he had to drag her everywhere he took her. Oh, the life.

So, this morning was normal. Then at noon, Emily had her first full day of pre-school. (since she was sick last week.) I put Madeline down and was in HEAVEN! I hardly knew what to do with myself. I cleaned off my island, surfed the internet, etc.

Then my neighbor called. She is due in October with baby #4. "I think I'm in labor," she says. So, I got her kindergartner and 1st grader off the bus after picking up Emily. I made spaghetti for my 4 children.

Then I went to pick up my latest purchase from craigslist - a cute little shelf to keep the girls' art supplies on.

I returned to a report that baby Tolen Rain had been born. He is 4 lbs. and was on oxygen when they called. So pray for baby Tolen! I also returned home to Brian out back with all 4 kids playing in the sand box. We gave them each a popsicle, then brought our 2 in for baths. . .

Oh: Emily LOVED pre-school today. According to her: She played outside, but not on the swings. She learned about the letter "A." Her favorite part was dinosaur fruit snacks with apple juice. (a girl after my own heart!)

And that's a wrap!

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