Wednesday, November 7, 2007

The Bank Girls

Here is the only pic I could find of us on this computer. 2 girls are missing - and 11 children are missing (Can you believe that?!) I am pregnant with Emily in this picture.

The bank girls are the 10 of us that lived in an old bank our senior year of college. Hence - "the bank girls." And - now almost 10 years later we are still tight and in touch.

I am writing this because this weekend 8 of us are getting together in Illinois, and I am beside myself with excitement!

2 hotel rooms

8 girls

1 baby

no men (unless someone surprises us! :)

and lots of conversation

good food

friendship that has lasted and will last.

I am so thankful for these women!
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Mike and Sarah said...

I am so excited for the weekend!!! I love the fact that in 4 years we have added 11 kids to our group. Crazy!!

Melanie said...

Have a great time with your "bank" girls, I can't wait to hear and see all about it!