Thursday, November 29, 2007

Belated Black Friday Post

I can't believe I never blogged about my Black Friday exploits.

I think this is the first year I ever actually braved the early morning hours for a deal.

I got up at 4:30 to my alarm. You need to understand that as a Stay at home mom - I NEVER use my alarm. I have a 4 year old alarm that wakes me up too early each morning!

So, I got up to my alarm - put on my pre-laid-out clothes, brushed my teeth - and went on my way.

At 4:45 I arrived at a full Wal-mart parking lot. All I could keep repeating, sometimes out loud, was, "this is CRAZY!" Luckily I arrived early, because they had caved to the pressure of the shoppers and opened the doorbuster deals early! I quickly snatched up 2 of the Little Pet Shop Whirl Around Playground. (one for my daughter and one for a family our small group is buying for) and moved on. Carts, people, EVERYWHERE. One man looked particularly out of his element, so I told him, "I won't tell anyone I saw you here, if you don't tell you saw me." After a last minute purchase of a cabbage patch with antlers (sooo cute - it was sitting at the register where I was checking out - abandoned.) I also had about 5 adds with items from other stores circled to price match. I was on it!!! On to my next stop. . .

Meijer. The highlight of Meijer was - shortly after arriving - they announced over the intercom: "Meijer customers, we are sorry to announce that we are officially sold out of the WII." A man in electronics screamed as if his only child had just been pronounced dead. (I'm pretty sure he was being funny, which I appreciate.) They proceeded to announce it 2 more times while I was in the store. My highlight: I kept running into a group of 4 women who were saying, "Steph, the WII is all sold out." "OH NO! - the WII is gone?" "Yes, the wii is officially sold out." It was cracking me up. So, after I checked out, they were standing by the door - I said, "Ladies?" They turned around like "WHO are you?" And I said, "The WII is officially sold out." They cracked up and started at it again.

Next: Target. I only had a few things I wanted there, but it ended up being an armful. I waited in line A LONG TIME - so some girls standing by me shared their toddler cart with me. So nice. We bonded. I also ran into a friend in Target.

Next to Kohls. Just bought 3 little things - not a long line.

It was now 9am and I had to get home to leave for Thanksgiving at my mom's house.

Hope this entertained you!


Deanna said...

Very entertaining!!! If anyone could make "Black Friday" entertaining, it would be YOU, dear Ellen!!! :)

Misty said...

You are VERY brave! Did the savings make it worth it?

Anonymous said...

Wow! Sounds like you had a very interesting shopping day! I love the Littlest Pet Shop playground and I bet you will too!

Mike and Sarah said...

You crack me up. I love that you were making friends with the other early-morning shoppers. Way to keep things entertaining for everyone!

Lisa said...

I wish I had known you'd be out at the crack of could've picked up the Wii for me before they all sold out!

Blaza said...

You need to know one of my friend's here in town. You two are "cut from the same cloth" in regards to your deal hunting...especially on Black Friday! It is amazing and a little crazy to me! :)