Thursday, October 18, 2007

Show and Tell

Emily had her first show and tell today (She had one a few weeks ago but had to bring a picture of our family - this was the first time it was HER choice!) She chose to bring her blankie and 2 buddies - "daddy puppy" and "brown brown" for those of you who know them by name! This is her bucket. Each child has one instead of a backpack. It has a purple triangle on it, because that is Emily's group. We got a note today telling us that Nov. 1 we have her parent / teacher conference. That should be interesting!!!

And here is little cuddle bug laying on the couch. She is holding her kitty she got for her birthday - and covered up by the blanket we bought for the baby. She is such a sweetie!

We had a good day today. It was calm. I made chili for a family who lost a loved one this week. A friend stopped by tonight - otherwise just a quiet day at home. I'm still sick.
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