Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Dad is Great!

Brian and I went to see my dad today around 10:30am. I was SHOCKED at how well he was doing! He was sitting up in his bed. He looked totally normal - except for the hospital gown! He had already done several laps around the hospital floor. He and Brian walked the floor for about 30 minutes. They wore me out after several laps. Anyway - he has continued to get good reports from the doctors. The scariest thing I have heard so far he told me this morning. Because the kidney flows to the ureter flows to the bladder. . . because his kidney had cancer - they took the ureter. (I'm not sure if it was "just in case" - but I'm thinking they had reason to think they needed to - because it made the surgery much more invasive.) Anyway - he will have to have his bladder checked every 3 months for a year. The one doctor told him there is a 30% chance some cancer will show up in his bladder at some point - the doctor said, "I look at it like a weed in a flower patch. At that point, I'd just go in using laproscopy and get the cancer out." A simplified, positive outlook, I'd say. But a reality we may have to deal with.

Anyway - considering my dad had an organ removed - he is doing GREAT! He hopes to go home tomorrow!


Lisa said...

That is great news!

Mike and Sarah said...

Glad to hear the good report.

E said...

That's so great! Yeah!!

Blaza said...

So thankful! Keep us posted!