Friday, February 15, 2008

Children's Museum

Our pass expires in March - and we don't think we're going to renew it right away - so we wanted to fit in one more trip. It was quite fun. We were there for about 3 hours. Here is Emily operating a robot.
We also got to do some "does this sink or float" experiments in the Curious George area. Don't they make cute scientists?

A photo op with George, himself. Daddy dressed them in their coordinating black today - I thought they looked so cute!

And, tonight we painted before bedtime. . . I got these weird sponge things from my dad's hospital room. They used one (from a bag of about 20) when he was fresh out of surgery to give him a little water. It is bascially a small sponge on the end of a stick. When I saw the bag full of them - all I could think is "those would be fun to paint wiht!!!" They even have fun texture to them. . .

oh yes - and my dad went home yesterday at 4:30pm. (He actually GOT home at that time.) He is doing super. He goes to the doctore on Tuesday to have his catheter removed and to find out what pathology learned.
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