Wednesday, July 11, 2007

New furniture

I've made my first major craigslist purchases! (I bought a dollhouse to give Madeline a while back) but this week we bought a new kitchen table with 6 chairs. . . and 2 new bookcases for our bedroom. (This is when a digital camera would come in handy!) We are in the midst of re-arranging - and when my mom comes in August she will help me refinish the top of the "new to us" table. I was just thrilled to get a table and 6 chairs for $100!


Mike and Sarah said...

$100!!!! That's amazing. I wish you had that digital camera so I could see it... especially when it's redone.

Charis & Judah's Mom said...

does Brian read your blog? because if he doesn't, all of these hints about a digital camera might be wasted....:)

Ellen said...

Yes - I was thrilled with 7 pieces of furniture for $100.

Cori - I don't know how often Brian reads this, but I keep dropping hints in person, too!