Sunday, August 17, 2008

Art Stand

Emily drew a picture of spaghetti the other day . . . then decided to draw many pictures of spaghetti "to sell." She wanted to have a stand to sell art . . . She spent several different sessions drawing spaghetti. I told her that on Saturday we could make her idea come to life. I called several neighbors to ensure a successful sale! But we also had several men stop by and buy her art - and they always paid more than .10! It was very cute. We were open from 10am - 11am.
Maddie doing art LIVE at the stand. . .
Customers! Customers!!!
Emily yelling, "Art for SALE!" to cars driving by. . .
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Mike and Sarah said...

How sweet that Emily wanted to sell her art. You are so awesome for setting up the art stand and drum up some business for her.

Traci said...

I LOVE her Vera Bradley change purse. She is serious about business!

Traci said...

I LOVE her Vera Bradley change purse. She is serious about business!