Thursday, June 21, 2007

The Poor, Poor Second Child

The poor, neglected 2nd child! We call ours Madeline.

She has been such a joy and delight since the very beginning.

But, she is following in the footsteps of a VERY verbal older sister. I geniunely do not want to know what words Emily was saying at this point. (In my mind, she was bi-lingual by now.)Somehow I have this strong mindset with Maddie that she is our BAAAAABY! I expect way less than I did from Emily.

Maddie's words are limited to: Mama, Dada (also Diddy), Da (yes), Bibi (baby), Key Kah (Kitty cat), up, ook (look), and go. She signs "more" and "thank you" and often signs "more" for please. . .
She also says, "Wha key go?" with her palms up - for "where kitty go?"

I am clinging to the "the 2nd child is less verbal", or is verbal slower! :)

She is such a delight!
(Maybe because she isn't talking much!)

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